garden state
an installation with mamaza
venice. buenos aires. frankfurt. 2014

A choreographic community garden : a social oasis, a utopian island and a temporary autonomous zone. The Mousonturm theatre space of Frankfurt was transformed into this biotope in January 2014 by Mamaza and the ACAP, Städelschule. Potted plants of all species, sizes and forms were collected from and brought by citizens. Within Garden State, these plants were recomposed on mobile and fixed platforms forming a changeable archipelago of green islands. Together with carpets, pillows, soundscapes, lightscapes and fruits, planned events like yoga, gatherings, theoretical seminars, talks, music performances, city walks, parties created a mobile, artificial, malleable free space to be inhabited, shared and dreamed up together by the people of the city. It brought together the spatial topologies of gardens, the theatre stage and auditorium as well as domesticity within private and the public.